The Mandatory Medical Ethics (MME) Webinar Series 2024 is a 5-webinar series of 1 hour each. The topics will cover the SMC requirements to accumulate MME core points for continuing medical education in 4 basic core topics: (1) Professionalism, (2) Informed Consent, (3) Ethics Analysis, (4) Medical Records, Privacy and Confidentiality.
Each session will include a short didactic lecture covering the salient content knowledge required for the topic and faculty will then illustrate the ethical principles using case examples to provide guidance on practical application. The session will conclude with a Q&A session to allow participants to clarify doubts and raise specific cases that have troubled them. As an example of the didactic content, the Informed Consent session will cover the components of informed consent: (a) decision-making capacity, (b) voluntariness, (3) disclosure of material advice and (4) authorisation to proceed. Relevant legal principles from the Hii Chii Kok judgement and Section 37 of Civil Law Act will also be addressed. Special situations such as consent in persons under the age of majority, implied consent and presumed consent will be covered as well.
Each webinar is 1 MME CME point.
Doctors who register and attend a webinar will be submitted for 1 MME point
SMA Members in good standing - Complimentary
Non-Members - $109/webinar (includes 9% GST)
Registration closes on 25 Oct 2024, 12 pm.
[UPDATE AS OF 2 FEB 2024] Following a review of the funding for the new FY2024/25, the MOHH funding for doctors employed by MOHH or any of the public healthcare institutions under the MOHH Group, including the 3 Clusters (NUHS, NHG, Singhealth), has reached its cap. As such, all registrations for the MME Webinars after 2 Feb 2024 will be chargeable for non-SMA Members. MOHH-employed doctors may wish to use their PTF to pay for the registration fees.
If your Practising Certificate expired on 31 Dec 2023 and was renewed on 1 Jan 2024, you may start accumulating MME now.
If your Practising Certificate expires only on 31 Dec 2024, you do not need to accumulate MME until 1 Jan 2025. If you complete any MME activities before 1 Jan 2025, you will only get non-core CME points. Please check your MME cycle qualifying period carefully because fees paid cannot be refunded.